Monday, 3 July 2017

How to Select Concaves for Combines Suited to Crops and Conditions?

Selection of correct configuration, the performance of combines on variety of conditions and crops rises to an ultimate limits. With high-strength concaves for combines, farmers can thresh and separate crops easily. They can choose from those that are small wired, large wired and round bar. The small wire work best for canola and average for sunflower seeds, but not preferable for rice, popcorn, milo, food corn, sorghum, wheat, barley or small grains, on the other hand the large wires ones are best for milo/sorghum, sunflower but not canola.

The round bar works averagely on wheat, small grains and barley, and canola and best for soybeans, corn and popcorn. The aftermarket combine concaves, which have large wire, are not recommended for greater than twenty-five percent moisture corn. The leafy material and matting of green reduce the separation capacity here. You can get the optional threshing inserts for it to improve the threshing ability in tough threshing conditions and varieties.

Large Wire and Round-bar Concaves for Combines

The optional threshing inserts are needed in first concave to enhance threshing capacity with that along for second and third concaves for combines, which is recommended for damp, tough, and hard-to-thresh scenarios only. It is recommended to remove every other wire to get the best grain quality output. On the other hand, the round bar ones is standard equipments and used in specialty crops like food corn and edible beans.

These offer maximum grain productivity and quality during harvest protocol and allow versatility to harvest cereal grain crops when teamed with aftermarket combine concave and inserts. The extended-wear yield high outputs on any condition. Insert bars can be utilized for harvesting small grains in this case. Depending on which crop you want to harvest and the season or weather at hand, you will be able to decide the perfect concaves needed.

You can even buy protection covers and plates for it. The large wire ones can eliminate the need to change concaves or buy additional set of the same. These are best for grower’s operation. If it is not manufactured for extended wear life, it can be made durable. The process includes penetration of the surface with a later of wear resistant material, which is hard and thus, extending life up to twice as long.

Here is how you can ensure to keep combines loses to a minimum:

1. Adjust the fan speed where seed is beginning to blow over. You must check for leaks as well. It is not necessary that loses on concaves for combines occur only at back end. Before adjusting spacing and speed, check for holes or cracks at shoe seals, feeder house, separator covers, grain tank etc.

2. Open the sieve and chaffer settings as wide as possible. Check for combine operators manual and look for settings if these are arranged in specific ranges or not. Observe if there is any loss in between each adjustment or not. If the settings are automated, then give it a trial run and see for losses.

3. Do not over thresh otherwise small piece will drop in sieve and reduce the airflow causing increased wastage. Cracked seed is another sign of over threshing.