Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Considerations - For Wet Cropping Season

If balanced and maintained correctly, your combine concaves can deal with corn somewhere in the range of 20 and 30% dampness. In any case, as moistures surpass 30%, your work will be an exercise in careful control between leaving un-threshed grain in the field and grain loss.

Here are a couple of tips to help direct you along in this wet reaping season.

Ground Speed

The main thought with regards to collecting wet corn is ground speed. Make sure to choose on the solid land speed that does not over-burden your machine. As the motor must most likely keep up its rated motor speed to keep separator and cleaning shoe at full speed. 

Change your hydrostatic transmission to keep up the motor close evaluated speed under fluctuating yield conditions for your combine concaves.


The official guidance for limiting junk contribution to the combine concaves by working the header as high as possible is much progressively necessary in these wet conditions. Presenting extreme, damp leaf and stalk material into the combine diminishes its viability to sift and isolate the grain.

Wet stalks and grains assimilate sifting vitality that would regularly be utilized to isolate grain from cobs. Furthermore, this wet tangle of material can overpower the separator, catching both sifted and un-threshed grain.

Thus, you may need to think about working the stripper plates more full to limit leaf — the stalk material entering the combine. In any case, be mindful of abstaining from shelling the butt end of the ear with the stripper plates excessively broad.

Chamber or Rotor Speed

After the inward is balanced, alter the chamber or rotor speed to amplify sifting in wet grain and ensure you offset this alteration with grain damage. Though that grain moves toward becoming over the top, moderate the barrel or rotor. Try not to build the inward leeway. The combine concaves spacing has almost no impact on grain loss in corn.


Continuously start reaping with the chaffer and strainer openings to the most extreme determination in your manual. Shutting down the filter will create clean corn in the grain tank. It will increment the tailings returned for re-threshing, which can expand grain harm.

In case, there is excessively cob in the grain tank, first take a stab at expanding wind current, at that point close the best chaffer strainer a little and at last the lower shoe strainer a bit. Wet harvest buildup will require higher velocity contrasted with a dry yield.

Similarly, as with any gather conditions, an ineffectively kept up the combine concave will prompt higher grain loss and increased grain damage. Commonly, you will have to build a chamber or rotor speed to compensate for worn parts.

On a customary combine, check the sunken for wear and search for adjusted edges on the crossbars. On a turning combine, check the sifting components for worn and fitted edges. Supplant curves and grate bars if wear surpasses the re-silences expressed by the manufacturer.